The Boathouse

  • Polished Floors
  • Polished/Honed
Project Details

The Boathouse

Sometimes the Boathouse is the best house and it is certainly the case with this Byron Bay home by Heanesbuilt, a Holcim customer of over 30 years. The seamless polished floor of the Boathouse is another feather in the cap for Byron Bay concrete polisher, Will Keane. The Boathouse demonstrates how polished concrete can shift in dramatic emphasis from room to room.

In the kitchen, the polished floor is the supporting cast to distinctive and sophisticated joinery. However, as you walk through the entrance into the main living area, it is the concrete that becomes the main event. The Boathouse is a stunning property where the raw materials were chosen to enrich the architectural scope and vision.

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The Boathouse Special

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